Rhinoplasty, Nose Surgery


Girls should be at least 16 and boys 17 before they can have nose surgery, because the structures of the face change with growing and it is better to wait until full development of the face is achieved to perform the surgery. Younger patients should be advised carefully, to understand the reasons that motivate to want to change their noses. It is important to realize the change should satisfy the patient, avoiding influences from relatives and friends. The upper age limit for rhinoplasty depends on health conditions and psychological motivations that provoke the need for the change. A classical reason for nose surgery in older patients is the rejuvenating effect that can be produced to correct a drooping tip, when performed together with a facelift. Breathing problems can be corrected at the same time. A computer consultation is the best way to evaluate the change that can be obtained through plastic surgery of the nose. If the nose has a “ball” at the tip, if it is too large for the face, if there is a hump in profile, or if it is too wide, crooked or asymmetrical. Reshape the nose by reducing or increasing size, removing a hump, changing shape of tip or bridge, narrowing the nostrils, or changing the angle between nose and upper lip. It may also relieve some breathing problems. The skin quality and the size and shape of the nose in relationship to the face are studied. Sometimes correction of the chin can be done together with nose surgery to balance the face. Results from rhinoplasty will vary according to several factors, type of skin, shape of the nose, etc. Results are individual and should not be compared with others. The nose can be increased or decreased, nostrils can be narrowed, the tip reshaped and elevated. Usually all of the incisions will be placed inside the nose. To reduce the base of the nose or the nostrils small incisions are placed at base of the nostrils, hidden in the natural crease. Sometimes a small incision is made in the columella, the tissue that separates the nostrils. This can be used in more difficult cases or in re-operations. Though the small incisions cartilage and bone are treated to narrow and straight the nose. To augment the nose cartilage from the septum or the ear can be used. Nose surgery (rhinoplasty) can take one or two hours to complete. Sometimes, if the reshaping is more extensive or other procedures are being performed it may take longer. Most nose surgery are performed under local anesthesia, combined with a sedative to make you drowsy. You`ll be awake but relaxed, and your face will be insensitive to pain. (However, you may feel some tugging or occasional discomfort). Some patients prefer a general anesthesia. In that case, you`ll sleep through the operation. Normally, nose reshaping surgery is performed on an outpatient basis in a hospital, surgical center or plastic surgeon`s office. Temporary swelling, bruising around eyes and nose. Some bleeding.


The first day following your nose surgery you may experience a sensation of puffiness in your face, some aching around your nose and you may have a slight headache. This discomfort can be controlled by medications prescribed by your plastic surgeon. Your plastic surgeon will direct you to relax in bed and keep your head in a raised position during the first day after your nose reshaping surgery. Remember that in the days immediately following your nose surgery you will experience swelling and see bruises around your eyes. At first it will see as if these are getting worse each day, but after approximately three days, they will stabilize and start to gradually fade-in most cases, completely within two to three weeks. Cool cloths or compresses held gently on these swollen and bruised areas can help you feel more comfortable. You may also have some slight blood discharge the first days of your recuperation and this is completely normal. The area around your nose may also remain stiff for several weeks. Within a couple weeks of your nose surgery you will begin to feel and look better. Most likely you`ll go back to work as long as it`s not too strenuous. But, keep in mind, you will feel a little off your game, so take it easy. Also, you`ll want to avoid exercises and activities that can make your blood pressure increase. In general, you`ll want to pay a little more attention to protecting your nose when you`re bathing or putting on make-up. And if you wear glasses, you will have to be very careful not to rest them on the bridge of your nose until it has healed adequately — usually within a month to a month and a half. Your plastic surgeon at The Mediterranean Aesthetic Surgery Center in Antalya will give you detailed instructions to follow before and after your nose reshaping surgery. And you will have regular follow-up appointments with your plastic surgeon Dr. Oksar during your recovery period.


There are very few risks associated with nose surgery and the infrequent complications that may arise can be easily treated by your plastic surgeon. Sometimes nearly invisible reddish spots show up on the nose which are caused by broken blood vessels. These are generally hardly noticeable. Scars are not visible at all when the nose reshaping surgery is conducted inside the nostrils. When nose reshaping surgery is conduced on the outside of the nose, the scars are very small and concealed under the nose. Serious complications from rhinoplasty are not common. Potential complications include hematoma (an accumulation of blood under the skin which may require removal), infection and reactions to anesthesia. Numbness of the skin following rhinoplasty may occur but is usually temporary.

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